
Gary McLaren

President of Milestone Aggregate Consulting Services Inc.

Senior Program Adviser, Aggregates  – September 2013  to December  2013

Coordinate operations delivery for potential changes resulting from the 2013 Aggregate Resources Act Review.  Develop a performance matrix for provincial aggregate inspectors.  Develop training program for risk based compliance program for supervisors and inspectors.

Aggregate Resources Coordinator – January 2008 to September 2013

Provide advice and leadership for all matters related to the ministry’s aggregate resources program to operations division. To provide on behalf of the regional directors and assistant deputy minister, leadership and direction in the resolution of highly complex issues.  Collaborate with others in the preparation of ministry (and inter-ministry) policy initiatives related to aggregate resources and the Aggregate Resources Act and regulations.  Provide expert advice and assistance on all matters related to the aggregate resources program.  Act as expert witness at provincial tribunals (Ontario Municipal Board hearings and Mining Lands Commissioner).  Contribute to and deliver training packages to Ministry staff as required.  Lead and participates on planning policy teams identifying and developing provincial policy initiatives and issues relating to aggregate resources.  Consult and liaise on a regular basis with other ministries, industry, non-government organizations and stakeholders.  Promote cooperative partnerships and develop and implement strategies to achieve aggregate resources program goals and objectives.

Mineral Resource Administrator and Pits and Quarries Inspector – April 1977 to December 2008.

Implement, administer and enforce the Aggregate Resources Act, regulations and related ministry policies and guidelines.  Provide advice on aggregate resource deposit areas, license properties and other planning matters to ministry front line field staff responsible for plan input and review.  Coordinate the implementation of abandoned pit and quarry rehabilitation projects for the area office.  Monitor and inspect on a regular basis aggregate extraction sites under licence or permit to assess compliance with the Aggregate Resources Act, regulations, provincial operational standards, and conditions of the license and the site plan.  Investigate complaints and provide direction on remedial action and recommend enforcement action where warranted.  Act as project manager for coordination of pit and quarry license and permit applications as well as site plan amendment approvals under the Aggregate Resources Act policy and procedures.  Through compliance monitoring and approval processes, also consider other related provincial and municipal legislation as part of the compliance monitoring and approval processes. (e.g. Environmental Protection Act, Water Resources Act, Environmental Bill of Rights, Occupational Health and Safety regulations for Mining and Mining Plants, Planning Act, Municipal Act, etc.).


Career Highlights and Accomplishments …..**** show photo with me tagging baby moose



  • Member of Aggregate Resources Program Policy and Procedures Manual 2006;
  • Member of AggregateResources Program Policy, Procedures and Bulletins Manual Apr. 1986;
  • Co chair of Non Renewable Resurces task team for the 2010 Provincial Policy Statement review;
  • Cochair of the Southern Region Aggregate Inspector Task Team and the Lands, Aggregates and Waters NE Regional Forum and lesad Inspector task teams with development of annual work plans, performance measures and annual repots ;
  • Lead the Planning exercise for the developmet and approval of the Mississippi River Water Management Plan;
  • Prepared and monitored Southern and Northeast region Aggregate Program work plans, performance measures and annual reports
  • As a member of one of MNR’s Southern Region Operatioal Forums (Safety and Health forum),  MNR’s southern region was presented with the Canada Award  for Excellence for achievements in quality, customer service and a healthy workplace. ;
  • Member of interministerial committee (federal provincial and local government) responsible for the development of the Cornwall Sediment Strategy to protect Cornwall water front;
  • Member of the Health and Safety committee of Nepean Relay for Life;
  • Chair of Joint health and Safety Committee Kemptville MNR office and member of JHSC MNR Peterborough Robinson Place;
  • District Planner member for Interministerial committee reviewing  comprehensive municipal official plans plans;
  • peer reviewer member for eastern Ontario Source Water Protection  Plans;
  • Tagging and tracking moose calves in Algonquin Park